Operations successful
Last updated : 30 January 2004 By Dave Moore

Matty Appleby (pictured) and Chris Grange have both successfully undergone surgery. Unlucky Appleby is having a last attempt to cure the hip problems that have seen him play only a handfull of games over the last couple of seasons. His cartilage has been removed and the remainer of his problems have been cleaned up. Matty is expected to be discharged from hospital today and it is hoped that he may be back in action after around five weeks of recouperation. In reality he won’t play competitive football until next season provided that things go as planned.
Goalkeeper Chris Grange broke his leg in a freak accident last Friday and also dislocated his ankle. His fracture was plated and it was reported that there were no complications. A week of partial plaster cast will be followed with a full cast after the swelling has subsided.