Wilson delighted with first away win since November
Last updated : 05 March 2008 By Dave Moore

Hartlepool manager Danny Wilson was delighted after his side picked up their first away win since November. He told the official Pool's website, "It was a great win considering position Oldham are in. We have always maintained that we are not the worst team in this league and the rub we have had away from home has been unexplainable at times but the way we set out tonight and the way we defended were excellent. It was a terrific performance considering the pressure we under."
"We changed the team around to get some extra legs and pace at the top and height if we could and it paid dividends. We played the high line at times because we have the players to exploit that and we got the goal from it. Michael Mackay was against a player with great experience in Mark Crossley, who knew what was coming but Michael placed it in a position that he just couldn't get to it. But that's Michael, he's a goalscorer and he has great enthusiasm"